Hats designed for the few! Little restocks, no overproduction, just small-batch craftsmanship

Olapic Terms and Conditions

Olapic Terms and Conditions


By responding to our request with the hashtag #yesOHDH you agree to the following: You grant Old Habits Die Hard, [62910248], hereinafter referred to as “Old Habits Die Hard” a non-exclusive, royalty free worldwide license to use any photos and moving content in relation to which you have responded #yesOHDH, hereinafter referred to as “Photos and Moving Content” for its marketing and/or in its advertising, including the online store, social media – Weekday channels and paid social media and other customer communications. Old Habits Die Hard may use, reproduce, distribute, combine with other materials, alter and/or edit your Photos and Moving Content in its sole discretion.

You hereby represent and warrant that (i) You are 16 years or older (ii) you own all rights in and to your Photos, (iii) you have permission from any person(s) appearing in your Photos to grant the rights herein, (iii) Old Habits Die Hard’s use of your Photos will not violate the rights of any third party or any law. You hereby release and discharge Old Habits Die Hard from all and any obligation to pay you for any use of your Photos and moving content and any of the intellectual property rights contained therein in connection with the uses described above; and You hereby release, discharge and agree to hold Old Habits Die Hard and any person acting on Old Habits Die Hard’s behalf harmless from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with use of the Photos as described above.

Privacy Notice #oldhabitsdiehardnl

Why and how are we using your personal data?
We want to share and inspire with others the ways of wearing Old Habits Die Hard products for marketing purposes and to give you the chance to show the world your Old Habits Die Hard style. Photos and/or videos of yourself may be published on our official website and/or on our social media pages. To be able to do this we need your photo and/or video and in return we will link your photo and/or video to your Instagram account. Read more about the terms of use above.

Who has access to your personal data?
Your data may be shared within Old Habits Die Hard and with selected social media platform providers. To learn more about how we use personal data on social media pages, read our Privacy Notice here.

The photos and/or videos you submit to us are also forwarded to media agencies and technical suppliers carrying out certain tasks on our behalf. Except as explicitly stated herein, we never pass on, sell or swap your data to any third parties.

What is the legal ground to process your personal data?
We upload and publish your photo to be able to fulfill our part of the Old Habits Die Hard agreement (fulfillment of contract).

How long do we keep your data?
We will use your username, photo and/or video for 24 months or until the agreement is terminated. To remove Photos or Moving Content please contact our Customer Service at support@oldhabits-diehard.com

Read more about our general privacy policy here

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